
Emre Belözoğlu

This is the shirt number history of Emre Belözoğlu from Karriereende. This statistic shows which shirt numbers the palyer has already worn in his career.
Emre Belözoğlu is a Turkish professional football manager and former player who is currently serving as the manager of Ankaragücü. During his playing career ...
This is the national team page of Karriereende player Emre Belözoğlu. This page contains a statistic about the player's national team career.
His jersey number is 5. Emre Belözoğlu career statistics, match ratings, heatmap and goals are available on Sofascore for current and previous seasons. Last ...
Licence Number, : 9920. Club, : FENERBAHÇE A.Ş. Contract Start Date, : 2 July 2019. Contract End Date, : 31 May 2020. Date Of Country Exit, : Yükleniyor...
Currently, Emre Belözoğlu is playing with number 5. His best stats are: Aggression: 87, Vision: 85, Long Pass: 85, Penalties: 85, Short Pass: 84.
Belozoglu Emre, Midfielder: His career, technical characteristics, statistics and number of appearances. The official page of Belozoglu Emre on inter.it.
Emre Belözoğlu's card is rated 78, he is 169cm | 5'7" tall, left-footed Turkey midfielder (CM) that plays for Fenerbahçe SK in Süper Lig with Med/Med work ...