Ankaragücü vs Antalyaspor

Full-time, Apr 2

Full-time, Nov 10, 23
All times are in Eastern Time
Antalyaspor played against MKE Ankaragücü in 2 matches this season. Currently, Antalyaspor rank 10th, while MKE Ankaragücü hold 15th position.
Since 2006 the team of Antalyaspor and the team of MKE Ankaragucu competed in 20 games among which there were 10 wins of Antalyaspor, 5 draws. The teams compete ...
The Soccer Teams Antalyaspor and Ankaragucu played 20 Games since 2006. Among them, Antalyaspor won 10 games (Total Goals 27, PPG 1.4), Ankaragucu won 5 ...
Antalyaspor won 10 direct matches. Ankaragucu won 7 matches. 7 matches ended in a draw. On average in direct matches both teams scored a 2.67 goals per Match.
Follow Ankaragucu v Antalyaspor results, h2h statistics and Ankaragucu latest results, news and more information. Flashscore football coverage includes ...
Antalyaspor plays against Ankaragucu in a Super Lig game, and Soccer fans are looking forward to it. The event takes place on 02/04/2024 at 17:30 UTC. Oddspedia ...
Antalyaspor U19 is going head to head with Ankaragücü U19 starting on 20 Apr 2024 at 09:00 UTC . The match is a part of the U19 Lig, Elit A, Group 2.
Antalyaspor and Ankaragucu have met 5 times since December 2020. Antalyaspor have won twice, 1 match ended in a draw while Ankaragucu have also won twice. The ...
Antalyaspor is in mixed form in Turkey Super Lig and they won 7 home games at Antalya Stadyumu. Ankaragücü is in poor form in Super Lig and they won two away ...
Since 2011 the team of MKE Ankaragucu and the team of Antalyaspor played 2 competitions among which there were 0 victories of MKE Ankaragucu, 0 played in draw.